Copyright ZZ Well, it wasn't Vegas, but it was pretty damn fun. We had waited too long to make a decision about going there, and hadn't counted on spring break partiers snapping up the best deals. Once we resigned ourselves to not going to Nevada, we quickly put in motion Plan B. Veronica, a TG I had met at the Esprit transgendered conference last spring and had visited in Seattle shortly after, had been saying I could come for another visit anytime. A phone call to make sure my blonde, porno slut would be welcome as well was the only thing I needed to do to make a trip across the border a reality.
(Rachael) Driving down in the early afternoon was a breeze: no line-up at the border, light traffic. We were both excited about going away together for a few days. Another first for us: we seem to keep having these! I was also excited about just having my profile uploaded, and already generating a lot of interest and response. We enjoyed talking, so much that we forgot to play the cds we had brought for the trip. We ate enough pepperoni and other snacks to forego dinner. Apart from one wrong turn at the very end, we arrived at out destination quickly and without incident. Veronica's spacious home is located near Sea-Tac Airport. She was already in girl mode. She is tall, thin, with long, brown hair. We hugged, and I made the necessary introductions. After doing some quick catching up, Shannon and I retired upstairs to transform as well. Fortunately, each of us got a bathroom, so we were able to ready ourselves quickly. Veronica, part of the all TG rock band, The Nasty Habits, practised on her bass guitar while we were dolling ourselves up.
(Me & Margo) Because we were going to an ‘80s themed night at Neighbors, a local gay club, I wore a black, spiky wig, dark clothes, and chains a la Joan Jett. In fact, I had performed on stage just recently as that rocker, sporting a similar look. The drive downtown took just over thirty minutes. Our first stop was a queer-friendly pub to play darts. We met several of Veronica's acquaintances who were all very nice to us. Five of us played several rounds with the hostess prevailing each time. We then walked to another Capitol Hill establishment, Café Vita, which is the gathering place for many TGs before heading off to Neighbors for dancing. I met several new girls and introduced Shannon to the ones I knew. Margo was her usual cute, flighty self. She is one terrific dancer. Rachael, Veronica's partner at the time and the lead guitar player in the band was looking very hot as always: fetishy, and wild, but with a really nice smile. Not having eaten dinner, I bought a few pastries, and juice to fuel myself for the high-octane night to come. After eating and taking a few photos we walked to the club.
(Shannon & me) It's a big place with a great layout - better than any of the places I frequent in Vancouver - two levels, a catwalk/stage for dancing and a huge dance floor. The place was not overly busy to start with, so we had the chance to talk to still other girls I'd met before, and new ones. Several straight-looking guys complimented Shannon and I; this always makes a girl feel nice. Four of us spent a great deal of time gyrating on the catwalk, and generally showing off. Next, it was a short walk to a bar for a few more drinks and conversation. Rachael advised Shannon to wear more sensible shoes when she goes out, and the girl has since taken to the advice. Even I'm starting to come around, but I still love my 5-inch stilettos! The two Seattle girls showed interest in getting it on with us, so we took two cars to Rachel's house, not far away. We had a wild time, but Shannon and Rachael had the most fun! The next day we slept in very late. Hence, we had to start transforming shortly after breakfast. We decided to go to the same drag bar I had performed at during my last visit. Trax, surprisingly, is located in a small, blue-collar town called Kent. Believe it or not, I used to go to the drag (car) races there in a former life. We checked out some of the drag shows before playing a little eight ball in the back. It was fun, but I was beyond rusty. What really surprised us was bumping into Millie, a Vancouver cross dresser, who was in guy mode, visiting the area with his family. I got a little hosed, so Shannon was kind enough to drive my car back. When we arrived at Veronica's, we stayed in the car for a while in order to clear up something that had been bugging me. Because we have good, open communication we resolved the issue quickly. So quickly in fact that an hour later Shannon unleashed a hot, sticky load down my wanton throat! The third day was all about shopping. We put ourselves together quickly and drove to Seattle. Veronica had given us some good directions for finding Wig Land and Wig World. The bad news was that both places are located in a popular part of town, which means expensive parking. How expensive? Try $10 U.S. per hour! Ours was not to be a leisurely shopping trip; the meter was literally ticking. The first place - I forget which was which - is big, but very bland in décor with a dour Asian man serving us. Nevertheless, he was quite willing to let us try on several hairpieces; actually, he put them on us, and even styled them in a very basic way. Nothing really jumped out at us, although we both had a wig put aside: Shannon a black bob with blue tint and extensions; I a long, straight red one. The other place was only a few blocks away. The styles there are more exciting, and the store ambience warmer and friendlier, but it's also smaller, so the customer may find herself lost in a sea of artificial tresses. The older lady, probably the owner, was friendly and possessed superior styling skills to the dude we had just come from. Fortunately, I managed to talk Shannon into purchasing a honey blonde wig that she was initially lukewarm on. I knew it would be terrific because she looked good in it even without makeup. This hair turned into the one, which she wears now almost always. I found a better quality Marilyn Munroe-type hair than the one I already had: lots of hair, and less-severe hairline. I also picked up some extra-hold hairspray, purple eyelashes, and some seamed, fishnet hose. We paid for our selections and then went back for the other two wigs. We were ecstatic with our acquisitions, as we drove off to out next destination. The Crypt: not an easy place to find, but worth the navigational aggravation. I would characterize this place as a fetish superstore. I had checked it out several years ago, and had been blown away by it. We both toyed with the idea of buying a leather cap, but they were pricey. At times we went our separate ways, losing ourselves in aisles of perversion. Shannon bought a medium-length riding crop, which she's gotten wicked mischief out of. She always brings it to fetish parties to smack willing asses with! I bought a short riding crop that easily slides into a boot, another one that has two leather strips that make a pleasant cracking sound upon impact, and two stainless steel items: law enforcement grade Smith & Wesson handcuffs, and a flask. I very much enjoyed having the knowledgeable salesperson show me all the metal restraining devices, and enthusiastically explain their delightful nuances! We headed home late, catching the residue of rush hour. Veronica made some dinner for all of us. We decided to stay in, drink moderately, and watch TV. Shopping can really tire a girl out! I didn't mind watching a few popular shows, since I rarely have time to do it at home. Besides... an early night meant we could have more time to have fun with each other. Shannon decided to transform, and try out her new wig. It was while she was going down on me that the inspiration came, just before I did. She looked so sexy and nasty, just like any porn actress. Henceforth, I began calling her "my blonde porno slut." The name has stuck; that wig always reminds me of that delectable moment. Veronica had to work on our last, full day in Seattle, but we slept in, and then made ourselves at home. We also did a lot of pre-packing, so we wouldn't be overwhelmed next morning. We began transforming in the early evening for fetish night at The Vogue. We took several photos each, some with Veronica's guitars. The pictures turned out great. It would be a hoot to do something like The Nasty Habits if we were musically inclined. Veronica provided us with great directions again. We left shortly after she arrived home from work. We tried to talk her into joining us, but she was fatigued after work, and it was a Sunday night. We enjoyed driving, and then walking to the club in full fetish gear. Unfortunately, we were turned back at the door! Why? Shannon had forgotten her I.D. Shit!!! Being a determined girl who really wanted to check out the fetish scene in Seattle, I was willing to drive back for the required documentation. Besides, it wasn't too late, and we wanted to make the most of our tranny vacation. Veronica was understandably surprised to see us back early, and chuckled at the blondness of the moment. In the end, we were glad to have made the effort. It wasn't a busy night, but we had a chance to strut ourselves on the stage without fear of knocking over anyone or being elbowed in the head. I even had Shannon collared and leashed on the dance floor. We played a little where we could - mostly spanking - but there was no dedicated play space or dungeon furniture. Like kinksters everywhere, I found the Seattle perves very open and friendly. I exchanged cards and phone numbers with several people. At last, it was time to leave. Once we returned, we had a quickie before I transformed back. As always, Shannon stayed in girl mode. Next day, the drive back home to Canada was punctuated by some drama. I realized I had left my cell phone at Veronica's, but it was too late to return. Then we ran into the usual traffic jam near Everett; normally, not a biggie, but my car started to overheat. A quick check under the hood confirmed my suspicions: the same problem as once before - a faulty sensor preventing the electric fan from coming on. Fortunately, traffic finally started moving again at a speed where the fan was not necessary. After a slight delay at the border, we were back in the land of the true north strong and free. Shannon treated me to a hearty dinner near her place in Steveston. As I munched on my food, the adrenaline of the trip began waning. Although feeling increasingly tired, I felt happy. The party was temporarily over. But only until the weekend. Copyright ZZ May 23, 2005 |