What's New
Well, it's been nearly a year-and-a-half since I put up this site. Sorry for the lack of new material until now, but it's extremely time consuming to do regular updates. Moreover, I've incurred considerable expense creating and maintaining this site, but it's not like I've received tons of feedback of any kind, let alone positive ones that would keep me motivated. If you like this page and that it's still free, then let a girl know sometimes! Remember... you need to sign up with a real email account in order to send me messages. When you do, be classy and don't bother asking for photos that show my girlie bits. If I do post nude or XXX images, they will be part of a pay site.
On a different front, I recently broke up with my t-girl partner of 16 months. For the most part, it was a wonderful and very cool experience. What a ride for both of us! It was extremely rewarding to act as a big sister of sorts, and see her come into her own. Alas, strains began to manifest themselves, exacerbating the already complex dynamics involved. Probably the main catalyst for disenchantment was our experimentation with having an open relationship. We both took turns having intense, but short-term affairs with genetic girls. Although fun at the time, they did create difficulty for the partner not involved. We found ourselves drifting apart, so decided to do our own thing for the time being. We have agreed to remain friends, perhaps even "with privileges" as my ex calls it. I'm optimistic, based on how things have gone, that we can remain close.
I have also been working as a professional dominatrix for a while now. So far, I like it and the people I meet. I have been involved in the bdsm scene for about six years, so it's been a relatively easy crossover. Also, being a girl is frightfully expensive, so it's only natural that Zia help out financially. For any of you interested in a personal encounter, check out Mistress Z in the Professional Services section. Contact me via the email there to see if we might perhaps have a little kinky fun together!
As far as my personal life is concerned, I have been cutting back a little on the partying. I've been feeling contemplative, looking at where I've been, and where I'm going. I'm not sure what or whom I'm looking for next. A challenging project? Another t-girlfriend? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? I don't think gender really matters, if I'm attracted to and connect with a person on all levels. Maybe I'll look for one of each to have the best of all worlds. A small, intimate stable for Mistress Z? Bio.
The purely physical...I'm a bi-sexual, kinky, transvestite switch. I'm in my early 30s, and like to be fit, so I work out when I can. This results in 148 lbs on a 6' 1" frame. Yes, I'm a tall girl, particularly in 5-inch stilettos, my favourite kind of footwear, hence my stage name. I wear a women's size 91/2 or 10, have long toes, and high arches. Miles of gam are joined to my tanned, thong-lined ass. They are definitely my two finest assets. My voice is soft, my hands very feminine, and my waist a svelte 30 inches above my girlie hips. Yes, I actually have them! Vices I indulge in include alcohol (particularly scotch), milder hallucinogens (mostly pot), and raunchy sex. I'll try just about anything once, twice to be sure. Kinky sex is this gurl's favourite though. Although I enjoy partying and having a good time, I do adhere to certain tenets: establishing a rapport before getting it on (generally, no one-nighters); ensuring that the sex is safe/protected, sane, consensual, and respectful. Clearly, I can be wild and uninhibited, but I do not always want to become close to everyone, let alone connect intimately; therefore, people should not be offended or otherwise take personally a "No" at any stage, which really does mean, no. Nevertheless, many men think they are god's gift to women. Unfortunately, this attitude seems to be more prevalent and egregious towards t-girls. Like most well-rounded, confident, classy t-gs, I am not hard up or desperate for action, so I won't tolerate unreliable, half-hearted, or objectionable conduct. I put great effort into being fabulous, and expect to be treated accordingly. How it all began...Unlike many t-girls, I didn't begin cross-dressing at an early age. I was a typical boy who engaged in the usual butch activities and didn't feel all that different from the other guys, except that I was shyer than most. For this reason, and maybe because the genetic girls saw in me something different, I was never much of a ladies' man. So what prompted me to become a student of the feminine arts? I've always been mesmerized by sophisticated women who love to flaunt it a little. Unfortunately, none of my love interests over the years were really that kind of woman. Take my ex-wife (luckily someone did!): she'd only wear gorgeous lingerie and high-heels every few years for something like Valentine's or my birthday. Even when she did, she wasn't very enthusiastic. Out of frustration and curiosity - I've always been very curious - I began taking advantage of the opportunities when she was out by trying on some of the sexy clothing I had bought her. To my surprise, I looked great! Soon, I couldn't stop myself from putting on her lingerie and heels whenever possible. I'd become very excited pulling on the tight, stretchy, nylon fabric, which would then deliciously squeeze my legs, buttocks, and genitals. The usually sheer hose would trace a perfect outline on my every lower curve. The final touch would of course be slipping on a pair of her shiny, confining pumps. I'd be so worked up by this point that I'd be trembling, and having difficulty breathing. Next, I'd strike up a plethora of girlie poses in front of the sliding, mirrored closet door in the master bedroom, whilst performing as many rude, solo acts as possible. The sexual tension was further heightened by the fear of her unexpected return. I was very careful never to snag her nylons, put everything back in its proper place, and react quickly but efficiently whenever I heard the garage door opening a little too early. Fortunately, I was never caught!
I had a great time in those early days, even though I didn't try make-up, hair, or breasts for a while. Once I applied some lipstick, but it looked bad; that was my first attempt. My first, full transformation was several years later at the skilled hands of a local Pro Domme who has formal training and experience in makeup artistry. She also has a well-stocked inventory of girlie paraphernalia. She dressed me in an interesting ensemble: black bra with huge, silicone, D-cup boobs; frilly, black panties; tightly-cinched, black corsette with garters; sheer, black stockings with lace at the tops; shiny, black, patent knee-high boots with lacing at the front, and six-inch heels at the back. A long, black wig with some curls rounded out the look. Somehow, I staggered to a mirror without falling on my freshly painted face and looked at myself. A girl stared back - a little awkward, nervous-looking, but pretty, and vaguely familiar. I was entranced by her, and left the mirror a little reluctantly, to continue the session with the Mistress. A new beginning...Not long after this, and other experiences, but not because of them, I parted company with my ex. I decided on three things: living my life more in the present, trying new and interesting activities, and having no regrets. I began living both a bdsm and transgendered lifestyle. This process has been challenging, but extremely rewarding and enjoyable too. Like most cross-dressers, my first time out, fully dressed, was Halloween. I was quite nervous on the way to the fetish-themed party, but by the end of the night felt right at home with the other freaky people. My experience was so positive that I began going not only to fetish, and cross-dressing, events, but vanilla ones as well. My first time out in broad daylight was completely unplanned - I had very little time to become nervous. With little advance warning, I was asked to attend a luncheon hosted by a now defunct finishing school for cross-dressers and bdsm trainees. The experience was very reassuring because I received nary a look from anyone while walking from my car on the busy, downtown, Vancouver streets to the gathering. I had passed! The here and now...I've been seriously presenting as a woman since that Halloween in 2000. I like to be glamorous, but prefer a more natural look compared to some. What I try to attain is classy with a touch of sleaze or is it the other way around? Hmmm... As I've said, I've always been fascinated by women who exude this wonderful blend, so that's the kind of girl I've become. I love beautiful clothes. I love wearing them, and looking for them; I'm a real girl that way, a shopaholic. I'm big into accessories and colour coordination. I can rarely pass a newsstand without looking through women's magazines, which I always find inspirational and helpful. Women's fashion is so much more fun than men's! Although I've progressed a long way in a short time, I continue to work on improving my appearance and mannerisms. Similarly, this little tranny oasis is ever evolving, and I have big plans for it. My other goals include doing more and better drag performances, appearing in a full-layout of Girl Talk, or a similar publication, and completing several exciting t-girl related projects. Most importantly, I'm always looking to expand my world, by connecting with interesting, and sincere people of any gender or sexual persuasion. Although dressing started out as little more than a fetish, it's developed into so much more. When I'm en-femme, I don't feel like a guy in a dress; I feel completely like a woman. The hands-on assistance and encouragement of a few, very special people, particularly in the beginning, have enabled me to not only look good, but go out into the world on my own, and become more independent and confident. Zia would not have become the girl that she is today without this invaluable support. I truly love who I have become! |