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Home arrow Wild Escapades arrow Bif Naked Concert -- December 29, 2005

Bif Naked Concert -- December 29, 2005 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Zia Ziletto   
Friday, 28 April 2006

copyright ZZ


I'm still seriously hung over as I write this.  What a night!  I passed out on top of my bed, in full make up, using my bathrobe as a blanket.  Luckily, I woke up in time for work, since I had forgotten to set the alarm clock.  Arriving for work was less than half the struggle; functioning and simulating productivity were the real challenges.  Nevertheless, many hours later, I feel strongly motivated to write about a most memorable evening.
This was our second concert en-femme at the fabulous Commodore Ballroom, and it was even better than our first time.  We had seriously debated the wisdom of going in girl mode to this potentially young and rowdy event before deciding to do so.  In hindsight, an excellent decision: we had no trouble at all, and wouldn't have had nearly the same fun going as guys.  We did, however, tone down our usually flamboyant attire and make up.  Shannon wore black, pleather pants (easier to fight in than a tight skirt should we encounter trouble; my tranny baby is a martial artist), "Luscious" baby-t, comfy stylish boots, and pvc collar and gauntlets.  I decided on my hip-hugger jeans, black tank, pink, sparkly runners, and light pink pvc jacket.  At the last minute Shannon suggested I wear an over-coat to cover my bare tummy.  I'm eternally grateful - it was freezing outside!
We powered down several hefty cocktails before exiting into the chilly night.  We took great pleasure walking the few required blocks like any concert chicks.  Security was lax, so I regretted not smuggling in a little booze.  Once inside, we took in the customary concert energy, basking in our somewhat subdued femininity. Okay, subdued for us!  I bought a cool, girly Bif tank top, but regrettably neglected to take advantage of a generous 3 CD offer that was only available at the concert.  Shannon meanwhile had stumbled across a mutual t-girl friend of ours in guy mode.  As it turned out, her daughter would be performing as the lead singer in the first of the three scheduled bands.  Very cool! 
We bought a couple of drinks and explored the setting.  Occasionally we'd stop in a stairwell or other highly visible location to allow the vanilla crowd to check us out.  Surprisingly, there was no overt hostility.  Au contraire!  People were really nice to us.  At one point, a genetic girl (gg) invited us to come to her table.  Seated around it were her mom and many girl friends.  Everyone said we looked great.  We commented on how cool it was that the girl took her mom to a concert.  After hanging out with these people, we continued our drinking and meanderings.
Soon it was time for the first act, so we took our places, standing directly in front of the stage.  It was nice not having to worry about heel death (agony of de feet).  The choice to have this 5-piece band open was a good one.  Their output was up-tempo.  The lead guitar player was demonstrative in his pin-striped suit and fedora.  I enjoyed seeing a second female in the band, playing keyboard. Cassie, the vocalist, looked very cute in her black, gothy dress and platform boots while belting out fun lyrics in a strong voice.  My only criticism is that she needs to move around a little more, fronting such a high-energy outfit.  When the band left the stage they received a well-deserved round of applause from the steadily increasing crowd.
To be frank, I don't remember a hell-of-a-lot about the second band, although they sounded good.  This one also had a female vocalist.  We were too busy wandering around, buying drinks, and becoming shnackered.  At one point Shannon tried to use our one real card of being friends with Cassie's father to access the back stage area.  We both really wanted the chance to meet Bif, being huge, huge fans.  Our efforts were unfortunately unfruitful, but we continued to have a blast, showing ourselves to the general populace.
We sensed Bif's imminent appearance, so we worked our way back to the stage.  Surprisingly, we managed to secure totally ideal spots, right in the front, less than a meter from the platform.  Approaching from the side, rather than the back, had been a clever suggestion from Shannon.  I must say the anticipation was a little overwhelming.  Everyone was really looking forward to seeing the tattooed rocker do her thing, but there was a delay lasting at least fifteen minutes. 
Suddenly, the band members appeared sporting mechanics' overalls, grabbing their readied instruments and unleashing the familiar, heavy riffs and beats of one of the new songs.  Then Vancouver's very own princess of punk rushed  on stage, racing into the vocals.  Some people look different in the flesh than they do on TV, but not her; she looked just like she does in all her videos.  Her choice of costume consisted of a schoolgirl skirt with zipper down the middle, over-the-knee black socks, and cowboy boots.  I can't remember her top.  Many of the people including ourselves were familiar with the lyrics, so it was fun to sing along.  I have done several drag shows covering this petite dynamo, so it was cool to see her up close.  Shannon and I both agree that the best performance was an extremely thrashy version of "Spaceman."  I was a tad disappointed that she failed to play more of her older stuff.  I was really hoping she'd do "Twitch," which is my absolute favorite from several years ago.  Also, she did only one encore, but I realize that she'd done on all-ages show earlier in the day, and had recently returned from a long, American tour.
Moments after the music terminated, I was reeling from the excitement, atmosphere, and of course the alcohol.  We were feeling happy, girlie, and proud to have gone out successfully to such a mainstream event.  I would give the evening two thumbs up.  Shannon agreed, saying it was the best night of her life!  I have a few, dim memories of going to Celebrities Night Club, drinking more, and maybe even taking to the dance floor.  I'm not sure about the dancing part, although Shannon, almost as intoxicated as me, claims we did.  I absolutely do not remember the cab ride home or much else after that.  Apparently, we somehow made it back here where Shannon passed out on my bed for a while.  After she came to, she found me on the sofa, shivering and shaking, and complaining about the spins.  I came fairly close to heaving - even prepared a bowl next to the bed, just in case - but I'm a tranny who can drink.  Besides... that would have taken away from an otherwise splendid evening.
Copyright ZZ
December 30, 2005
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 03 May 2006 )
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Zia will happily accept pre-paid gift certificates from Judy Basha Designs, which specializes in PVC & other dare to wear designs for men & women.  Payment arrangements can be made by emailing her or visiting her website
