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Home arrow Wild Escapades arrow Gurls' Club & Daytime CDs' Luncheon: December 19, 2005

Gurls' Club & Daytime CDs' Luncheon: December 19, 2005 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Zia Ziletto   
Thursday, 13 April 2006

Copyright ZZ

Rain returned to Vancouver with vengeance, ending several weeks of clear, sunny, but cold weather.  Normally a Monday like this in mid December would be drab.  It probably was for most folks, but Shannon and I are not most people.  We are two flamboyant trannies who were riding a cab to Mz Adrien's dwelling (see write-up on Coronation Ball), dressed for the season, and already semi-looped by 1:00 p.m.  We were looking forward to our afternoon Christmas luncheon with fellow sisters.

ImageI had not been to one of these gatherings since Halloween, Shannon even longer.  We arrived fashionably late sporting fun, but different looks.  My girl was wearing a Santa hat, red blouse, black leather skirt, red fishnets, and customized boots simulating St. Nick's white, fur-topped ones.  Christmas baubles for earrings perfected the yuletide presentation.  I wore my short, blonde Marilyn Munro wig, sparkly red dress, Cuban heel seamed stockings, garter belt, sensible four-inch pumps, and gold accessories.  I felt retro glamorous.  We warmly greeted the dozen or so girls in attendance, before mixing ginormous cocktails from our supply.

Lunch was delicious with open turkey sandwiches, stuffing, veggies, cranberry sauce, and lots of gravy.  The ambience was festive and Christmassy: music, mistletoe, and a vividly adorned tree.  After everyone had eaten their fill, Patty the other hostess, drew names for the gift exchange.  I bagged a pair of faux antique, oval picture frames.  After presents, the girls all took turns for photos in front of the tree.  Throughout the afternoon I enjoyed connecting with Seanna, her first time out in public as a T-Girl, Rosella from Vancouver Island, a perky, sweet little gal, and Patty; we talked about converting some of my drag performances from VHS to DVD or a computer friendly format.  I particularly enjoyed interacting physically with Shannon - sensual, discreet touches and caresses at opportune moments.

ImageAfter hearing some candid and often raunchy tales from Mz Adrien, we decided to bid everyone remaining, adieu, and head home.   While we were waiting in the lobby for a cab, several people entering and leaving the building commented on our physical charms - always nice for any girl.  We arrived home late in the afternoon and snuggled on the sofa by the fireplace.  Alternating between intellectual talks, silly girl banter, drinking, and serious playing we managed to keep a healthy buzz going late into the evening.  After Shannon left, I was still feeling very warm, fuzzy, and satisfied.  Somehow, I drifted off to la-la-land without much fuss.
Copyright  ZZ                                                                                                                  December 20, 2005

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 10 May 2006 )
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Zia will happily accept pre-paid gift certificates from Judy Basha Designs, which specializes in PVC & other dare to wear designs for men & women.  Payment arrangements can be made by emailing her or visiting her website
