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Home arrow Wild Escapades arrow U-2 Concert: April 28, 2005

U-2 Concert: April 28, 2005 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Zia Ziletto   
Monday, 23 May 2005

Copyright ZZ                                                                                                  

This would be my biggest outing to date.  Sure, I've gone out shopping in the daytime, even in malls.  Ditto for movies and live theatre.  But they didn't have 18,000 rowdy rock fans in various states of intoxication.  Moreover, the crowd would be more numerous and mainstream than the ones at Nina Hagen.  Needless to say, I was anticipating this concert with a certain nervous excitement.

I bought the tickets as a birthday gift for my girl, Shannon.  We have similar tastes in music and had talked about taking in another concert, perhaps in guy mode.  She was so appreciative that she graciously offered to escort me as my boy date.  This was different from our usual dynamic, so I readily agreed; I like to mix things up to avoid routine.

The big question was, what to wear?  I reasoned that it would be better to dress down and try to present as a regular concert babe.  I opted for a black tank top, denim shorts, bare legs, fairly flat knee-high boots, minimal jewelry, and subtler makeup than usual.  I did wear my blonde bombshell wig though.  Since I took the whole day off work, I was able to clean up and transform at leisure.  I was all ready by the time my date showed up.  She said I looked smoking hot.

After helping me choose which jacket to wear, we relaxed a little.  We listened to some U-2 to get in the mood, drank a couple of double scotches, and watched the sun go down as the crowds began converging on the nearby stadium.  My girlfriend (sometimes boyfriend) also looks great as a guy and had a hard time keeping her hands off me. We necked and groped continuously.  Using my oral skills to my full advantage, I worked her into quite the frenzy; it was tempting to do more, but we were already missing the first act.  I felt a bit wasted after smoking a little quality local bud, but we did head off into the dusk soon thereafter.

It was fun, even romantic, as we held hands and joined some of the other late goers.  I blended well and didn't receive any obvious stares.  Even though I was wearing supposedly comfy boots, I didn't find them overly so.  At least I was able to walk at a pretty good pace, unlike the five-inch stilettos I had considered.

After a fifteen-minute walk in the unseasonably warm weather, we arrived at one of the entrances.  I was a little surprised by the lax security - no one frisked us or searched my purse.  I could have brought my flask or Uzi, but did not want to risk their confiscation.  Once inside, we found the place packed and very festive.  I've always loved the expectation and energy prior to a big concert.  I breathed in the ambience as we walked around briefly before locating our seats. The smell of popcorn, butter, pizza, and beer permeated the building.  I felt excited and happy to be out as a girl at such a large spectacle.  A few people, both girls and guys, checked me out, but their motives were not clear.  Did they read me?  Or were they just doing a double take on the tall blonde looker?

The only person who read me for sure was an intoxicated genetic girl.  She was a buxom brunette, maybe in her mid to late thirties, a little plump, but kind of cute. 
            "You're a guy, aren't you?" she asked.
            "Uh...yeah...I suppose," I answered.
            "Really? I wouldn't have guessed," chimed her blonde friend.   "I hadn't read you at all."
            "Don't worry," said the first, "I'm just real good at spotting guys dressed up.  Are your hair and boobs real?" 
            "No, they aren't," I answered. 
            "Can we touch them?"  The two seemed pretty cool, so I relented.  I was probably too looped to determine how appropriate that was in public, but it was kind of neat to have them feel me up a little.  We all talked for a few more minutes before the two engaged in a popcorn fight, forcing us to leave for cover and our seats.

An announcement said the band would be taking to the stage soon, as repairs to one of the video monitors were almost finished.  This had worked out nicely for us, since we had been a tad late arriving.  We found our seats easily and were pleased with them.  They were in the lower bowl, right in front of the luxury box seats; no one would be sitting directly behind us.  As I snuggled up to my sweetie, just like any other girl, the band started up.  Soon everyone was standing and partying.

U-2 understandably played many songs off their latest CD, How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb.  I was impressed with the clean, crisp sound of Edge's guitar.  A few enthusiastic girls were occasionally allowed to jump up on the circular stage to dance with Bono.  I'd rate the concert as good, but their previous one four years ago was excellent.  They had cool holographic special effects then and played many more songs off their Achtung Baby album, which is my favorite.  Nevertheless, I enjoyed the big spectacle and big sound of this big-time band.

My feet were becoming sore from the standing, swaying, and even dancing.  I was tempted to take my boots off, but didn't want to dirty my feet.  My boy for the night told me to go for it, since she would be happy to lick the beer scum off my feet!  I was pleased to see my training was yielding such results.  Perhaps I should have accepted the offer, but decided to grin and bear it.

After the band's third encore, we began to make our way back to the concourse.  I wanted a t-shirt, so we headed for the nearest souvenir booth.  My date was very generous and happily bought me the one I wanted.  Next, it was looking for the nearest exit.  Although it was close to midnight, it was still balmy, and I didn't need my jacket.  The downtown city streets had an almost magical charm to them, and we held hands all the way home, just like we had most of the night.  The booze and drugs hadn't completely worn off, but I felt alive and wonderful to be a hot girl out on a hot date, with certain expectations of fun to follow.

Relaxing over snacks and drinks, we watched some TS porn on my sofa.  This made us both very hot and bothered.  My lover then gave me a thorough pounding right there on the sofa!  She then excused herself and went outside to move her car.  Upon her return, she informed me that the streets reeked of pot smoke, and some revelers were still singing How long...must I sing this song? from the final U-2 encore.  Being somewhat insatiable, I then commanded in Mistress-like fashion that we have a second round, this time in the more comfortable confines of my bedchamber.  Not surprisingly, my pet delivered....
Copyright ZZ                                                                                                   May 23, 2005

Last Updated ( Thursday, 09 June 2005 )
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Zia will happily accept pre-paid gift certificates from Judy Basha Designs, which specializes in PVC & other dare to wear designs for men & women.  Payment arrangements can be made by emailing her or visiting her website
