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Home arrow Wild Escapades arrow Girls’ Night Out: Feb. 19, 2005

Girls’ Night Out: Feb. 19, 2005 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Zia Ziletto   
Monday, 14 March 2005
Copyright ZZ

Image     (Ashley & Shannon)

Shannon was very excited to be going to her first Girls' Night Out, and it rubbed off on me as well; I hadn't been for a while. This is a monthly event when t-gs meet somewhere in downtown Vancouver for dinner, before going clubbing. I wanted to get there between 8-8:30 p.m., but as usual we were running on drag time. Besides, Shannon really wanted to paint her nails the requisite hot pink to match the rest of her outfit. This way I also had time to paint mine, more than just my usual clear. The theme for the evening was belated Valentine's red, so I painted my long, natural nails a glittering ruby colour. This went well with my red spaghetti-strap top, silky red underlay, red fishnets, fabulous red flipcoat, and my new red purse. A short black slant skirt and my black 5" stiletto heels completed the look.

We called a cab from my place and were soon deposited near our destination. I said "hi" as we caught up to some gurls walking in front of us I hadn't seen before. The four of entered the restaurant together and found seats in the upper tier. The turnout was excellent: over twenty t-girls, most adhering in some measure to the red theme. I was particularly impressed with Ashley. She looked even cuter than the last time I saw her, glowing with feminine joy. Rosella, looking sassy and spunky, also caught my attention. The early birds had almost finished their dinners by the time we ordered. When our food arrived, some of the gals from the lower tier came over to mingle for a bit before taking some group photos. Unfortunately, many then left for a club or even home after that. This, in truth, is one of my few complaints about this event - rarely can everyone connect because we are busy eating, and then everyone rushes off. I wish there were more time spent just hanging out. This is exactly what five of us decided to do; we enjoyed the opportunity to talk, get to know one another, and relax.

Image     (Me & Ricci)

About forty-five minutes later, we headed off to re-join some of the others at the Dufferin Hotel - three in a cab, two in Ashley's car. Some of us smoked a little hoolie before entering; all the stuff these days is almost too potent. I was feeling pretty buzzed by the time I spotted some of the other GNO ladies, as well as other familiar faces. The Queen of Hearts pageant was going on, and SinD, a drag queen I know, won that drag title for the year. In somewhat typical catty fashion, one of the losing contestants complained to me bitterly about her unjust fate. Also, most of the GNO crew were disappointed that the event had disrupted their dance plans. Most of the ladies then headed off to the Odyssey, another gay nightclub.

On the other hand, I enjoyed seeing the Dufferin packed, uncharacteristic of late. Shannon and I talked to Vivian von Brokenhymen, the aspirant for Empress of Vancouver. Not only does she have a great name, but she was very cool, funny, gracious and welcoming. She took the time to get to know us and find out what we're all about. After the show concluded, we stayed a while longer, bidding adieu to our two new friends, Ricci and Shella; the ones we'd met on the street at the very beginning of the night.

After retrieving our coats, Shannon and I flagged a cab quickly and headed off to the Odyssey. The place was packed as usual, the music good. Shannon again asked if it'd be okay for her to dance in the cage; she's such a show-off! Again I said I didn't think so; they seem to be reserved for go-go boys and the occasional drag queen. I've never seen a patron using them.

We danced and jostled with the other revelers, occasionally taking breaks to rest our feet and cool off on the patio. I had a nice chat there with the existing Empress, Estie Louder, who I've gotten to know during the year. I also talked to Cee More Illusion who had been super helpful with my wig and costuming several weeks ago when I had performed at the club. He was looking cute as always.

Next thing I knew, I had quaffed too many scotches and was feeling rather wasted. The pot wasn't showing any sign of wearing off either! Ah ...the decadence. We walked into the cool night air, but I didn't even have to button my coat. We found a cab almost immediately, whisking us back to my Yaletown apartment. Shannon and I fell into each other's arms on the sofa. Chilling to some jazzy tunes, we re-hydrated ourselves a little before slinking off to my bedroom. I'd be lying if I said that we had our typical, wild sexual marathon. We were too messed up to do a hell of a lot more than just pass out....

Copyright ZZ                                                                                                  March 13, 2005 

Last Updated ( Thursday, 15 June 2006 )
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