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Home arrow Wild Escapades arrow Coronation Ball #34: March 12, 2005

Coronation Ball #34: March 12, 2005 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Zia Ziletto   
Monday, 14 March 2005
Copyright ZZ


ImageThis was my fourth ever Coronation Ball. What is a Coronation? It is a gala-filled evening when drag queens and their supporters choose two of their own to represent their community and court for the coming year. The newly crowned Emperor and Empress travel throughout North America, visiting other courts, and organize fundraising events locally. In Vancouver, these events are organized by the Dogwood Monarchist Society (DMS), and this year's theme was "B-Movie: A Night at the Drive-In."

She loves us all a lot andAs Shannon and I exited my apartment elevator, a well-dressed trio of two women and a man complimented us. They asked where we were going, so she told them. Shannon then drove us to the Coast Plaza Hotel in the heart of Davie Village. On the conference level, we were met at the ticket table by Bruce, Emperor XXVIII and one of the true, hard-working pillars of the DMS. After handing over the tickets so he could remove the stubs and exchanging greetings with him, we walked down the short hallway toward the ballroom.

ImageAs usual, the queens were in their glitziest gowns of every cut and fabric imaginable, many sporting their sparkling crowns, scepters, and other regalia. Shannon was a little overwhelmed by the whole spectacle. She finally realized what I had failed to reassure her about all week: her red sequin number would not be too over-the-top. She was also wearing her new, red sandals, and my red purse - what's an incestuous, big sister for? She looked great! I wore my new lavender, floor length gown with beaded bodice I'd bought last May exclusively for this event. I accessorized it with a white purse, white opera gloves, 7-inch white platform pumps, and my best rhinestones and fake pearls. With the addition of my favorite shoulder-length, blonde wig, I was quite pleased with my look.

We bypassed the temporary bar set up adjacent to the big room to look for Mz Adrien, a drag queen with the longest running show in town, and the other gurls. Most of them were ensconced around two tables reserved for the various, local cross dressing groups, including the Vancouver Gurls Club, which she runs. Kudos to Mz Adrien for explaining protocol beforehand, bringing these groups together, securing discounted tickets, reserving tables, and booking an upstairs suite for gals to change and hang out. We hugged and greeted several of our friends before seating ourselves. The first few stage performances were male dignitaries from out of town, doing their thing. I did my best to explain to Shannon what was going on. After a while, we went outside to buy drink tickets to supplement our single intake back at my place. We bumped into Brandy, an older t-girl who had invited me to my first Coronation Ball. After telling us about her new place under some bridge, she tried to embarrass me in front of my date. I know she likes me, so she was probably feeling jealous. I came back with a pretty good verbal return that ended up embarrassing her. Knowing what to say at any time is an art form that I'm still trying to learn from my drag sisters.

We then went upstairs to the Gurls Club suite to drop coats and bags. The room was a veritable drag explosion, with several gals at various stages of transformation. We chatted with most of them, as well as Mz Adrien's significant other, Reede. Taking the elevator back down, we were packed to the rafters with a gaggle of richly adorned, convivial queens. Procuring more beverages, we returned to our table to watch the show. I was most impressed with Christopher Peterson, who is absolutely gorgeous and sings beautifully in her own voice! I also really liked Jaylene's flapper look; she is Princess XXVII of the Greater Vancouver Native Cultural Society. She's perhaps my favorite performer in town and certainly the prettiest. Shannon and I tipped and showed our respects to her, the soon-to-be new Empress, Vivian von Brokenhymen, and the soon-to-be former Empress, Estie Louder.

ImageToward the end of the evening, several of us posed for photos using a grand piano as a prop. Shannon felt like a movie star lying on top of the instrument, with about half a dozen flashes going off, one after the other, for several minutes. We then witnessed the actual coronation, with the new Empress and Emperor kneeling before the College of Monarchs. They swore oaths of fealty to the DMS, before being crowned and cloaked. I'm not sure if that's the proper term, but members of the College had some trouble affixing the long, flowing purple cloth to the Emperor. Finally, success! The two looked regal and happy as applause filled the room.

ImageSoon, the festivities began winding down, and many of us withdrew to the Gurls Club suite. We ordered some pizza to go with the wine on hand. I was worried about mixing with the scotch for all of ten seconds. I had another great talk with Patty, organizer of the Daytime CD group, and chatted with Wanita and some of the other ladies too. Next thing we knew it was 4:00 a.m. Shannon and I contemplated going to the drag queen party at the Sands Hotel nearby, but ultimately opted for home. A little bit later, while I was reclining on the sofa receiving a foot massage, I noticed my chronically under slept slut pass out. Being a merciful Mistress, I waited until the morning to give her some of what she deserved.

Copyright ZZ
March 14, 2005

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 16 May 2006 )
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Zia will happily accept pre-paid gift certificates from Judy Basha Designs, which specializes in PVC & other dare to wear designs for men & women.  Payment arrangements can be made by emailing her or visiting her website
