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Cryptic PDF Print E-mail
Written by Zia   
Thursday, 18 May 2000
Copyright ZZ (AK)

It was summertime: hot, humid, and cloudless. A typical New York afternoon. I was glad that her brownstone flat was air-conditioned as she kissed me and ushered me inside. We had met at an ancient artifacts exposition four weeks before. Vivian is an archaeologist who had been explaining one of the exhibits. Although I am only an enlightened amateur, my knowledge had surprised her. Somehow we had been drawn to each other. Intellectual conversations and dinner dates soon turned to passionate evenings that ended in the wee hours of the morning.

"Jenny's staying with her father this weekend. We have the whole place to ourselves." I was enthralled that the precocious ten-year old would give us a respite. She always asked me the most embarrassing questions. Really personal ones. Was she deliberately trying to make me feel uncomfortable? Perhaps she considered me an intruder. The divorce hadn't gone through yet.

"That sounds great," I admitted. "What's that sculpture?" I asked, pointing to a spectre-like engraving in a slab of stained white rock.

"It was guarding the entrance to the burial chamber. Where we found the coffin. More like a sarcophagus, really. It's Etruscan. We found it in the Po Valley last month."

"What're you doing with it?"

"I pulled a few strings so I could work on it at home. But let's not talk shop right now. I'll get us some refreshments. How about waiting for me on the sofa while I get some ice-cream and strawberries?"

"Sounds lovely," I said as I sat down and watched her walk from the living room to the kitchen. Her high heels tapped dully on the hardwood floor before clicking sharply on the kitchen tile.

I looked around the living room and dining room while I awaited her return. The place looked and smelled like the offices of professors, and museums that I had visited: dark, cluttered, stale and musty. The blinds were nearly always drawn. Strong light could damage the artifacts, she said. There were many of them all over the premises from every corner of the world: Asia, Africa, Europe, both of the Americas. I got up to look at some more closely. Squat figures with round, gargoyle faces. Tall elongated sorcerer-like people. Expressionless Easter Island look-alikes. Masks of every description. I felt a shiver traverse my back. They all looked a little menacing. Undoubtedly things would look a lot friendlier in more light. I heard the clatter of dishes and utensils. Dessert would soon brighten things. Then I had to ask the question that had been on my mind for some time:

"You have some really interesting finds here. Don't you ever have to return them? You always seem to be getting new stuff, but ...."

"Yes, yes. Soon. But never mind that now. Dessert is served." She re-entered carrying a tray, but wearing something completely different. My jaw dropped at the sight of the lavender teddy, matching garters, and stockings, sans shoes.

"I-I-I really like the outfit you've chosen. You look ravishing." I enjoyed how she was both intellectual and sexy, a rare combination. Her well-toned legs flexed delectably as she placed the tray on the coffee table and dropped into my lap.

"My ex was always the jealous type, yet he wouldn't look twice at me in one of these numbers. They never turned him on, but they turn me on whenever I wear them. I'm glad you're into this stuff." I couldn't believe how Donald could have been so stupid to let her go. Jealous or not, the balding wimp couldn't possibly keep away a determined suitor.

She kissed me hard on the mouth. Her tongue explored mine. I relished the erotic sensation of caressing her silk stockings and lace trim as I massaged her shapely thigh. We were rapidly losing control. Her saliva and lipstick was all over my face. Suddenly she pulled away.

"Come on. I want to show you something." She took me by the hand and led me to one of the other rooms, one I hadn't been in before.
"This better be good," I said. At that point I would have followed her anywhere.

"You know I like change. Routine is boring," she continued. "I hope you won't mind." In the middle of the room stood a large sarcophagus, on sturdy wooden supports. Candles burned in long, floor-mounted candlesticks at either end. The enormous lid was laid on one side. I was uncertain about her latest adventure.

"What's this all about?" I asked, staring at her incredulously.

"You know I'm a little kinky. There's a legend about this sarcophagus. I've always had a fantasy about it. Now that I've found it, I want you to make love to me in it."


"It'll be fun."

"That looks like stone. Aren't we going to catch colds?"

"Not with this." She lifted an elegant, richly adorned amphora and began pouring a hot liquid into the cavity. "It's olive oil," she smiled as she stripped and began climbing inside. Halfway in she turned toward me seductively. "You are coming, aren't you?" With a pretended look of nonchalance I doffed my clothing and climbed in after her. Her body was hot, slippery, and wonderful as we coupled. Like an Egyptian or Greek princess, I thought, looking down at her beautiful, dreamy, contented face and feeling her firm breasts against my oily chest. The sensation of our bodies rubbing, squishing, and rolling around in the hot oil and smooth hard surface of the ancient enclosure was very exciting. I decided to withdraw for a moment to prolong the wonderful, hedonistic, sensory experience, when I bumped my head into rock.

"What the ...?" Then it dawned on me. The pain, the sudden darkness, the fear of realization, and her tight embrace took hold of me viscerally and caused me to spill my seed deep inside her. It was the most intense climax that I ever had -- one fuelled by panic. We were sealed inside. Someone or something had replaced the lid while we were in the throes of passion. But how was that possible? How could we have not heard? The lid had to weigh hundreds of pounds. I pushed against it with my back as I braced my knees and elbows, but the lid did not move. I had less than a foot between my back and the ceiling. Two people were a tight fit.

"Oh my God! We're trapped!" I screamed. "We can't get out!" Then as my eyes adjusted to the gloom, I noticed her face. Still content. Peaceful. No fear.

"What's the matter with you?" I gasped. I tried to pull out of her, but she held me tight.

"It's just as wonderful as I had expected," she said at last.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"The legend. Well, it wasn't really a legend. We found the Etruscan couple inside. Lovers forever ...."

Copyright ZZ (AK)

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 22 February 2005 )
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